jeudi 28 juin 2007

Pictures from Tora

After much laughter on the part of my colleagues at Afrique Verte, I convinced them that it was a good idea for me to spend a few days in a small village participating in daily activities and learning how to farm so that I could better understand rural life here in Burkina. Yes, the white girl wanted to farm.

On the second day of my three day stay in the village Tora, I pulled out my camera to get a picture of the family I was staying with. For better or worse, I immediately became the official town photographer and got dragged around to take pictures of everyone and everything in the village. Here some of the pictures.

The Coulibaly family, with whom I stayed.

Madame Coulibably in her family's cotton fields.

The village's church choir.

Madame Coulibaly Rachel preparing soupe.

The women of the Farmer Association which Afrique Verte supports in front of their store. These are the women I work for.

Three members of the association completing a sale.

Rosalie and me.


4 commentaires:

Colleen Duerr a dit…

Claire-Elise -

We're really proud of you! Love the way you did your blog. You know we're night shy about gatrointestinal issues in our family so if you need to provide details, you know who to call.

We'll miss you in France, but we'll raise a glass to you (or, more likely, several glasses)!

Love you!

The Duerrs

meera a dit…

this is amazing. i miss you claire-elise! marriage proposals eh? interesting...also, i love your dress. sorry, i had to add that.

Unknown a dit…

Dear Claire-Elise, Wow!!! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and explaining about your work and life! It is very exciting for me to see all of this! I know that you will learn an enormous amount this summer and make friends for life....I think that it is fantastic of you to give your time and use your education like this! Love, Lynn

Simon Michaud a dit…

salut claire-elise!

content d'avoir de tes nouvelles! Et puis? qu'est-ce qui est le plus dur avec le fait d'etre une fermière? Les ampoules?

As tu acheté des poulets comme rémi?

Anyway, de mon coté, je commence la formation a toronto dans quelques t'ecris même du National Office!

peut etre on se verra dans un mois et demi... (je vais peut etre aller avec afrique ne sais pas encore)
